Feasting on Solitude: I Am Enough

2 min readNov 24, 2022
Nobbles leading by example

Please don’t assume that a solitary Thanksgiving means I am “alone” today. I have a full life and my single family household is a center of joy. Nobbles and I are abundantly grateful for the life we share here and our home is more than adequate for enjoying a meal and a nap.

I sometimes wonder if we stopped glorifying the nuclear family, would families like mine be such a target of misplaced pity year after year? It shouldn’t be lost on anyone that the people who hold “traditional” family most highly are the ones who reject their own for the slightest deviance from their ideal. They are a huge reason so many are “alone” today. Invitations to gather are nice, and thank you, but if you really want to undermine the suicide rate, dismantle the notion that some family structures and homes and celebrations are more equal than others. Speak the good news that each of us are enough, however and wherever and whoever we are.

Nobbles and I are feasting on pizza, pasta, garlic bread, salad, and more today. I’m organizing some things in my office, listening to Christmas music, musing on my projects without any “doing”. I might binge watch an old favorite later, maybe Transparent or Fleabag or Mrs Maisel. My blessings are enough for me, my cup is overflowing.

I pray the same for all of creation. #gratitude

