Donald Trump is Literally a Fascist

1 min readJun 18, 2020

Sign of the Times: I see Trump’s red triangle post dated yesterday and assume he’s coopted another historical date as he’s doing with Juneteenth and did with the anniversary of the Pulse.

So I went through some timelines and histories looking for significant dates on June 17; turns out the GOP held its first national convention in 1856 and Rodney King was found dead in his swimming pool in 2012. Also, the head of the Hitler Youth was named in 1933.

But you know what else?

The Statue of Liberty arrived in NYC in 1885. The watergate arrests took place in 1972. And Amelia Earhart crossed the Atlantic by plane in 1928.

Do not lose hope! The president has openly marked us for extermination, but he doesn’t get to decide that. What happened in Germany does not have to happen here.

We need to be real about the danger we’re in. The signs are there, so be wise like a serpent and peaceful like a dove. The next few months are pivotal. We got this.


