Covid Discourse Charts Top 10

2 min readSep 16, 2021

The people who rail against “hollywood liberals” for having opinions about stuff they know very little are now rallying around Nicki Minaj for having opinions about stuff she knows very little.

Look, in a democratic republic where our votes have life or death impact on one another, we do have to develop opinions in areas we aren’t experts. I don’t have a problem with celebrities expressing themselves, they are artists after all. But we’re all responsible for the impact of our choices in a society that trusts its people to make final decisions about how to run things.

Our votes are filtered through countless institutional layers, some placed as safeguards and others by corruption. In the end, the structures in place are the ones that produce the material conditions we live with every day. And I feel like we should be able to find some solidarity in taking that responsibility more seriously.

Nicki vs Fauci isn’t just an ordinary spectacle of pop diva rivalry. It’s a reflection of a culture war that’s serving as a proxy for a class war that unfortunately is so distorted by the binary of duopolist thinking that it can’t even weigh pros and cons without sorting them into blue and red buckets first much less perform a complex analysis of an issue to arrive at the best solution.

So I hope that’s something y’all think about when engaging with discourse today. Your opinion about nicki’s cousin’s friend’s swollen balls can actually shape the future of global society.

Is modern civilization capable of balancing scientific advancement with ethical government and personal freedom or will we jump the shark and regress into superstition and barbarism?

The choice is truly yours.

#freenicki #maskup #vaxup

