A Dog’s Perfect Love

2 min readJul 19, 2020
Nobbles, my emotional companion animal

(My dog has her own Facebook, and sometimes she writes cool stuff)

People always wonder why God lets bad things happen, often they themselves could do something but aren’t.

Here’s the thing: There’s a teaching about how God’s love is perfected in us. That happens when we manifest that love for neighbor through our actions. Are you deliberately enacting your love for neighbor through your actions with everyone, at all times? Then God’s love is not being perfected in you, and when billions of people fall short at doing this, we get an imperfect expression of God’s love.

But what do I know? I’m just a dog, my job is to be cute and furry and loving. And isn’t the perfectness of our love supposed to be one of the reasons you keep us around?

Maybe I do know something about this.

You ask why a loving God lets these things happen, and I say, why are *you* letting your government murder people in your name, why are *you* letting people go hungry on the streets, why are *you* complaining about taxes while working class people pass around GoFundMe links for their dialysis, why are *you* teaching queer teenagers that they deserve to be thrown in a lake of fire? The good news is not wrath and condemnation for the majority while a haughty minority get swept away to a self righteous “heaven” when they die. The good news is that we can experience heaven here on earth, that suffering and even death can be defeated, and all we have to do is love our neighbor as ourselves.

So don’t ask me where our loving God is. Perfect his love in you. Show me a loving human, then show me 7 billion more of them, and I will show you his love perfected in a reborn world.


